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Chris Whissen, Board VP
This content is intended for families of current KAS students only. If you’re a current parent, please login or register here.
Melissa Harkes, Board Member
I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Melissa Harkes and I am a member of the KAS Board of Trustees. I have two children, both of whom attended KAS for a portion of their educational journey. My son attended KAS from first through sixth grade, and my daughter attended kindergarten at…
Matthew Tesch, Treasurer
This content is intended for families of current KAS students only. If you’re a current parent, please login or register here.
April Board Meeting Change
We are writing to inform you about a change in the schedule for our upcoming Board of Trustees meeting. While meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month, due to the proximity to Spring Break and many traveling for the eclipse, we have rescheduled the April meeting to the third Tuesday, April…
Head of School Announcement
During the last several weeks, the Board of Trustees have been immersed in the search for a new head of school. We have been listening to our community members, and learning about your hopes and dreams for our wonderful school. We have taken our responsibilities to heart, building community and balancing the immediate challenges head-on…
Lisa Boyd, Board Secretary
This content is intended for families of current KAS students only. If you’re a current parent, please login or register here.