Volunteerism is the foundation of our community-driven school. Volunteers staff lunch, open house, school events, class field trips, and trips to Enright Garden. They market the school, raise funds, keep our computers running, and help to ensure the wellness of the school and its students.

Volunteering is a way to become better acquainted with the school and its families as it supports our teachers, students and staff. Also, it demonstrates to our children the importance of community participation. Our school is small but mighty, and your participation assures a robust school experience for your child. Help support and build our school community! Here are some of the many ways you can help out.

Kentucky Cafe

Without parent volunteers, our unique school lunch program would not exist. To sign up to volunteer and help us continue to serve healthy and nutritious meals to our students, please email Dr. Brian Horvath at brian.horvath@kentuckyavenueschool.org.

KAS School Board

Transparency in leadership is important to us.  The School Board meets every second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the school and meetings are open to the KAS community. We’re always looking for new members to serve on the Board and join our various committees devoted to supporting the school. To learn more about this important and ongoing strategic opportunity, please email our director Dr. Brian Horvath at brian.horvath@kentuckyavenueschool.org.


We’re looking for new ideas and members! Feel free to email the PTO with any questions or suggestions: pto.admin@kentuckyavenueschool.org

Class Field Trips & Enright Garden

Look for emails from your child’s teacher asking for drivers, leaders, and support people for school field trips. Additionally, we always need trained parents to help supervise recess, activities, and non-instructional times. Specifically during the spring and fall, KAS needs drivers to take students to and from their Enright Garden lessons.